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A large number of Yiyang Qianxi lost powder. The controversy over the examination and editing of Yiyang Qianxi has become more and more intense. It has lost more than ten thousand powder every day. What are the concerns of people at this stage? When Yiyang Qianxi was admitted to the national dialect theater, he was questioned about the direct admission without written examination. This also has a great impact on the image of Yiyang Qianxi. People still pay attention to the public screen. The concern is whether he has been prepared according to the formal process, whether he has participated in the interview and written examination, and whether he has enjoyed the star privilege, but I have not responded positively for the time being. Care is his desire. I think his desire is relatively large. People feel that this person is not very good. Why does Yiyang Qianxi lose 70000 powder a week? Because Yiyang Qianxi is a Sagittarius, while Wang Junkai is a Virgo, and the constellations are very different. And he is not as good-looking as the other two members, and his singing is also the worst. There are no special effects, and the sense of existence is very low. The other two members have Assassins maces, and the company is also very popular. Naturally, his popularity is not high. The controversy over the examination and editing of Yiyang Qianxi has become more and more intense. He has lost more than 10000 fans every day. How can he restore his image? The controversy over the examination and editing of Yiyang Qianxi has become more and more intense. If Yiyang Qianxi wants to restore his image, he should first explain it to his fans on the public platform, and then the official media should come out to confirm the achievements of Yiyang Qianxi. If all the people keep silent, the fans will certainly make wild guesses. Many fans of Yiyang Qianxi are minors. They are easy to listen to rumors and believe rumors, and quarrel with some black fans, which will create some bad social network atmosphere. Yiyang Qianxi needs to come forward and communicate with fans. Fans wholeheartedly identify their idols. As idols, they should also stand in front of fans earlier. They should not let them have any confidence. Arguing with those black fans from their own point of view will only make fans more and more disappointed. If Yiyang Qianxi doesn t show anything for a long time, fans are certainly unwilling to continue to follow such idols. Even if there are some die hard fans, they will certainly feel that their idols have done something wrong. In order to protect their idols, they will create network conflicts regardless of black and white. Relevant platforms should confirm the results of Yiyang Qianxi examination. Although these actors do not need a written examination, other candidates claim that they need to be interviewed three times. If they fail in one interview, they won t have to go on the interview and will be directly passed. If Yiyang Qianxi and others can really pass the interview, there must be video proof. As long as these videos are published, all the problems will be solved. All fans should not listen to the wind and rain, but should firmly believe in their own views. It is best not to make remarks casually on the Internet, which will easily offend other people. What we should do is to wait for the official information. Since you choose to stand on the side of your idol, don t discredit your idol and cause trouble. However, I hope that the people in Yiyang Qianxi studio will come forward earlier to resolve this dispute, otherwise the impact will become more and more serious.

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